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Lab Disposables
Microscope Slides
Petri Dish
Pasteur Pipette
IVAC VACUTAINER (Glass & Plastic)
Clot Activator (Tube with Red cap)
- This tube contains BCA as coagulation Catalyst.
- It mainly used for collection of serum for various laboratory test.
EX. Serology tests and blood chemistry
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
No Additive (Tube with Red cap)
- This tube is a plain containing no anticoagulant.
- It mainly used for collection of serum for selected chemistry tests.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV Ab), Hormones and blood chemistry tests
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
EDTA K3 (Tube with lavender cap)
- This tube contains Dipotassium Ethylene Diamine tetra acetic acid As anticoagulant.
- It mainly used for hematological tests.
Blood group (ABO) & RH typing, Hemoglobin glycosylated (A1C)
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
Li & Sodium Heparin (Tube with green cap)
- This tube contains Lithium & Sodium Heparin as anticoagulant.
- It mainly used for collection of Heparinized plasma or whole blood foe special tests.
Karyotyping tests & Blood gases
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
Coagulation (ESR) (Tube with black cap)
- This tube contains Sodium citrate with concentration 3.8 % as anticoagulant.
- It mainly used for coagulation studies.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
Glucose (Tube with gray cap)
- This tube contains Potassium oxalate as anticoagulant and Sodium fluoride as a preservative.
- It mainly used for preservation of Glucose
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)
EDTA K3 (Tube with lavender cap)
- This tube contains BCA as coagulation Catalyst and gel as serum separator.
- It mainly used for collection of serum for various laboratory tests.
Heavy metals tests (Ca, Na, Mng, Pb ..) Serology tests
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml)
Gel - Clot Activator (Tube with yellow cap)
- This tube contains Sodium citrate with concentration 3.2 % as anticoagulant.
- It mainly used for coagulation studies.
Prothrombin time & concentration test (PT) , partial thromboplastin time test (PTT) and coagulation factors
(2 ml) (3 ml) (4 ml) (5 ml) (6 ml)